I took Lunesta before I had ambien, and it worked really well. I went to sleep pretty. TTC 2nd 10/00 our angel 2/16/05 10/16/08..... AVA GRACE Maybe TTC #3 if it's ment to. Ambien And Pregnacy - BabyandBump - Pregnancy Forum, Trying to. So I am not sure...I think it would be safer in the last 2 trimesters. I am not currently pregant but TTC and have been taking ambien to help me sleep for a few months. My husband and I are TTC and I've been having insomnia like mad. I was on ambien before we started trying (and got off it) but now the dr has suggested I go back on it.
Ambien: Anyone taking Ambien while trying to conceive? I literally cannot sleep without it.. the last time I was...
VIVID hallucinations from Ambien and Lunesta? - Sleep Disorders.
ambien - Pregnancy-Info
Ambien and pregnancy - Stay-at-Home Moms - What to Expect.com
Ambien - Getting Pregnant - BabyCenter I've had to take Ambien to help me sleep because I just can't rest because of it.. friends say once I am pregnant I will be so tired I will pass out, but its the TTC. My old OB told me its ok to take my Ambien I suffered from insomnia before I was pregnant. My psychiatrist said take it, but I have been looking it up and reading.
ambien and ttc Ambien - Getting Pregnant - BabyCenter